Bayview Beach

Bayview Beach
Bayview Beach

Monday, July 25, 2011

Town officials are looking at purchasing a large parcel of land to put in more parking lots near Mayflower Beach. This is the last thing this area can handle!! We don't need more people on the beaches or roads. Please call the Board of Selectmen or Richard White (Town Administrator) at (508) 760-6148 and let them know where you stand... NO more beach parking lots...NO more drop-offs from out-of-towners...


  1. Our entire family has enjoyed "grandma's beach",
    now called Mayflower Beach, since the early 40's.
    We were assured that there would be at most 50 cars in the parking lot which now holds over 300!
    The town has let us all down by destroying the
    character of our neighborhood, threatening the ecosystem and attempting to spend money in a less than appropriate manner...what are they thinking? The only ones who will profit are the
    developers who will reap over $2000.!!!! Wake up.

  2. We and any of our non voting but paying big taxes neighborhood "summer people" are totally against the parking lot acquisition. Will the town listen to us non residents???? We are the ones who are affected the most by such a purchase.

  3. Piping Plovers have more say than the Northside taxpayers!
